New Project and Saving

Here we will go over how you should create a new project, bring in images, save your project, and how to access it the next day.

Chrome Advanced Settings: by now you should have gone to your google chrome settings and then the advanced settings. There you need to make sure your browser asks where to save each download.

Project Images:

The images for each project are located in the Students Files Folder. When you open this link, you will then be able to click the images for the project you are working on and make a copy of them. Now that you have let your browser ask where to save each download, you now have the option to tell your computer where to download your Image. It is important that you remember where you saved your image.

Open the Image in PIXLR E:

Click the link PIXLR E to open the web program. Locate OPEN IMAGE button and locate the Project Image that you saved to your computer.


When you go up to the File Tab and click the Save option you have multiple ways to save your project. The PXD File time will let you open and continue your work. The other Image types will save to that image type and allow you to hand in your work. You will not be able to change your image if you save it as an Image TYpe.

Remember Cookies:

PIXLR E uses what are called browser cookies. This means the web page can remember past projects and edits. This means you can refresh the page if things don't work and continue to work. This DOES NOT mean that you don't have to save or can forget to save your work.