Business Letter Writing

Post date: Apr 27, 2015 2:11:04 PM

Objectives: In this unit, students will be introduced to the format of a business letter. Understand the reason why we write business letters. Participate in writing a business letter as a class.Essential Questions: What role does writing letters and email play in our lives? What would we need to communicate to a business?How do we develop into effective writers? To what extent does the writing process contribute to the quality of your letter and message writing?Vocabulary:

Friendly Letter: A written message usually sent through the mail to a friend or family member.Business Letter: A written message or typed message that communicates ideas to a business. Ideas about being employed, product criticism or positive feedback. Heading: Or letterhead, this is the location and Address of where the letter came from. This is sometimes creative and has company brands. Recipient's info: Yes the letter itself should have the information on who the recipient is. This is important because a business has multiple people and you want to make sure it goes to the correct person. Greeting: A friendly beginning to a letter.

Body: The main part of a letter.

Closing: The end or conclusion of a letter.

Signature: Regardless of computer typed or handwritten, a handwritten signature of the person sending the letter is needed.

Pen Pal: A person who exchanges letters regularly with someone else, usually living so far away that a personal meeting is unlikely.

Business Letter Writing Introductions:

1. Review the Sample Business Letter and the Business Letter Format Mr. French gives you.

2. Locate the correct address for the business you will be writing to.

3. Use the Business Letter format to create a rough draft with your pencil. We are not being silly, be positive regarding the product or service the recipient provides. You need permission from Mr. French to write a letter that criticizes Show it to Mr. French

4. Have a friend read it over and tell Mr. French who it was. Make changes if needed.

5. Use Microsoft Word to type your letter.

6. Type your letter and make sure you are using the format of the Business Letter Format.

7. Read your document over and make sure you are being clear about your point.

8. Use spell check and correct any mistakes.

9. Have another friend in the class read it over to make sure changes aren't needed again.

10. Submit a copy to Edmodo for the final grade.