Career Cruising 04 Career Selector

Post date: Mar 15, 2017 6:06:14 PM

I want you to think what is really important for you in a job. Is it money? Tasks or what you are actually doing? Is it weather you are good at it or not? Is it what is conducive to a certain lifestyle? Is it the difficulty level? Is it opportunity for growth (climbing the latter?)

Today you will be filtering jobs based on some of these preferences

Log in to Career Cruising and click on Careers, then click on Start Career Selector.

Repeat Until results <40 ...

Choose ONE filter to modify based on what is most important to you

Go to the Core Tasks section. Be sure to read all 20 core tasks. Choose 3 to 5 tasks you would like to do regularly at work.Select your favorite school subjects (preferably 2 to 3).

Go to the Career Clusters section. Select 2 to 3 career clusters that interest you.

Go to the Type Of Education section. Select the highest level of education you plan to complete.

Go to the Earnings section. Select the minimum level of income you would like to make. (Remember that selecting high levels of income may eliminate many careers that you might otherwise find interesting.)

Go to the Working Conditions section. Select working conditions you could NOT tolerate.

Now click on the View Results button to see careers that match your selections. Scroll through the list and click on a career that interests you.

Click on another filter, and if your results are greater than 40, repeat the above

Add 2 careers to your plan (different than what you have already).