Oops! I Broadcastet It on the Internet

Post date: Mar 20, 2017 8:24:31 PM

  • Lesson ObjectivesIdentify some of the benefits of sharing information online.

  • Reflect on the risks of sharing inappropriate information (oversharing) online.

  • Think critically about what they choose to post and share about themselves online.

We will be introduced to the benefits of sharing information online and the potential risks of sharing inappropriate information. Its important to the understanding of the possible consequences of inappropriate sharing.


consequence: the effect of something that happened earlier

Though there are many benefits to sharing information online, the Internet should generally be considered public because: (1) “private” information can become public if passed on, and (2) posts in many online communities are public by default.Most information posted online: (1) can be searched, (2) can be seen by HUGE, invisible audiences, (3) can be copied, altered, and sent to others, and (4) is persistent – it’s almost impossible to take down, as it can start to spread the minute it is posted. Information that people post can get out of their control fast, so it is important to consider the consequences beforehand. How do you share information for fun with others online?

Risks of Oversharing

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Evas Story

Over the past few weeks, Emma has developed a huge crush on José. She thinks he might like her, too. She knows gossip travels like lightning at school, so she tells only her best friend, Chantal, by texting her after school: “Do you think José likes me? I kinda have a little crush on him.” Emma also swears Chantal to secrecy over the phone later that night. Though Chantal vows to keep her secret, she forwards Emma’s text to Zeke, who forwards it to a friend, who … you know the rest! The next day at school, one of the soccer players, Ted, texts Emma: “Emma+José =so adorable.” Emma is shocked and embarrassed because she told only her best friend and then swore her to secrecy. Brittney's Story

Sharing information with others online can be fun and rewarding. People showcase their work and ask others for feedback online.But sharing online can sometimes go too far. For example, sharing information such as one’s address can put one’s safety at risk, as well as sharing information that can come back to embarrass. Given the public nature of the Internet, the impact of information online is usually greater than offline.The consequences of oversharing (i.e., inappropriate sharing) can range from being just a little embarrassing to being really devastating to one’s reputation. Students can be denied entrance to college, lose jobs, or have their reputations tarnished.It is important to think before posting information online and to put only information there that you are proud of. Ultimately, one wants to be able to shape his or her digital footprint as much as possible.

Things to remember:

What are some examples of people sharing in a rewarding way?

What things can you do to minimize oversharing in your own life?

How can you create a positive digital footprint?