Scratch Collaborative Project 02 Sound Engineer

Post date: Apr 27, 2018 6:43:10 PM

You will be using Soundation to make your background music.Unfortunately, Soundation in not on our approved list of online apps you can make an account for. However, you can still be used the app to create and export sound without creating an account. It just means you cannot save your work to a clouded account, but you can save your work to your computer.General Tutorial -> Tutorial Click here to learn about Soundation from AMS middle school digital literacy teacher Mrs. Merk!To get to Soundation yourself goto

PRACTICE!! Do the below steps

DO NOT create an account, simply click "Launch the studio"

insert two "free sounds" that are 130 beats per minute so that both play at the same time

To save click "export as .sng"

exit out of Soundation and close your web browser

reopen Soundation

click "load .sng file"

you should now see your old work from before.

now click file "export as .wav" This is the type of file scratch will be able to use. It will not recognize a .sng file. Think of an .sng file as a work in progress while a .wav is a "finished and complete" sound ready for the game.

Please turn into haiku both the .sng file as well as the .wav file

If the above is confusing, try watching this video which is me doing the above basically