Word Processing Activity 07

Post date: Sep 19, 2016 8:58:27 PM

Post Card Assignment

I will be able to:

  • Understand Layers

  • Insert Textboxes

  • Research landmarks

  • Write a creatively

For this project, you will be creating a postcard highlighting a famous landmark.

For part one of the project you will do some research on your landmark, then you will create the postcard, write a message from the landmark, and pretend to send it to someone.

Part 1 – Research

1. From the list choose a landmark that you would like to learn more about or you may search for world landmarks on the internet and choose your own landmark. Please check with Mr. French to see if it truly is a world landmark.

Sample list: Statue of LIberty, Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Colosseum in Rome, Empire State Building, Golden Gate Bridge, Tokyo Tower, Great Wall of Chica, Berlin Wall, Stonehenge, and the Pyramids of Giza

2. Answer the questions in a word document, so that you will have some information to put on your postcard.

    • When was it built?

    • Who built it?

    • Where is it?

    • How many people visit it a year?

    • How large is it?

Part 2 – Create your postcard

1. Open a word processing document. Now you will set up your postcard.

2. View- ruler. At the top of your document, you will copy and paste a picture of your landmark.

3. Now find a photo of your landmark. Copy and paste from the internet it to this front side of your postcard. Resize the photo so that it covers a space of about 6 inches wide and 4 inches tall. Depending on your picture, you might need to turn it sideways. Use the circular arrow at the top of the picture. Your picture is on the "Text Layer" of your document.

4. Insert a text box in the photo and type in “Greetings from” and the name of your landmark. Go to the Insert tab look for TextBox. After you type Greetings from, you will need to put the text box over the picture. You are looking for "Wrap text in front of text"

5. Now create the next side of your postcard.

6. Next, insert a text box below the picture for a greeting and information. Go to the Insert tab – choose text box –and draw a text box to make the box. Create a text box that is the same size as the front of your postcard. 6 inches wide and 4 inches tall. Insert or draw two more text boxes to sit side by side in your first box.

7. In the text box on the right, write your postcard message.Start with Hi (whoever you’re writing to). In the message be sure to include at least 6 facts that you learned about your landmark from your research. It must be written in your own words, in complete sentences, and contain at least 6 sentences. Tell about the good or not so good time you’re having. Be sure to sign your name at the end.

8. In the text box on the right side, create another text box and address the postcard to someone. You can make up the person and the address.

9. Save your work as a postcard and hand it into Haiku, print, and put the postcard together.