Power Point All about Me

Post date: Aug 28, 2019 3:41:12 PM

Essential Question: * How do multimedia presentations demonstrate a clear sense of audience and purpose?

Learning Essential Questions:

* What changes can be made to better explain the topic?

* What are some good techniques to follow when presenting using PowerPoint?

Activity: A Documentary of My Life Creates a PowerPoint Slide Show Presentation containing 10 slides about you. Use the data below as your guide for the information to include on each slide. The more creative you are the better grade you will receive. You must have 3-5 sentences per slide. Click here to download your Template. Enable editing if you need to and save this copy to your documents folder. What makes this project truly unique is the Hyperlinks. When you present, you are able to click on each subject and have that slide come up. Click the Home button and your back to the subject page. Slide 1 – Creative Title Slide: “All About (Student’s Full Name). Period number. Date. Include a picture of yourself with the digital camera. You may even want to upload them from home onto your Or flash drive for more points. Other title options: My Documentary, My Life, Story of Me, Me, Myself, and I, My Autobiography, Its’ All Me, My Story, My Reality, A Long Way To Go, If You Only Knew, My True Story.

Slide 2 - This is your Home Page. Each of the twelve topics will relate to a slide that you will fill in. When you are done, each of the topics will allow you to go to that slide just by clicking it. Slides 3-14 are various topics.

Slide 3 - My Favorite Hobby: What do you like to collect? Is your hobby a task or the creating of something?

Slide 4 - We all need to eat. Some foods make that easier than others. What are your favorite foods?

Slide 5 - Even if you don't have a favorite sport to play, you might have a favorite sport to watch. You might even enjoy a team based on its colors or mascot.

Slide 6 - List our favorite subjects and why.

Slide 7 - Tell us about your family.

Slide 8 - List things you learned in the Second Step

Slide 9 - Technology has many usages. Some entertain us while other make our way of life possible. List your top three.

Slide 10 - If you could travel anywhere you haven't been to before, where would it be and why?

Slide 11 - List your favorite movies, books, tv show/movies.

Slide 12 - Favorite Colors and why?

Slide 13 - The people I most admire

Slide 14 - My Favorite Holiday: Every holiday is special. Describe your favorite and why? Be sure to include pictures.

Now you will need to create a Home button. Insert a picture from the internet, and search for "Home Button" many options should be available. Choose one and resize it to one of the bottom corners of your slide. Click on your Home button then the insert tab. Locate Hyperlink and click the place in this document. The place your home button needs to be like to is the home page. Copy and paste your home button to each of your other slides. You might need to rearrange some of the content in your slides. Each of the home button needs to be linked to the home button. On your home page, each of the topics needs to be linked to the page that it relates to.