Podcast Phase 01 Brainstorm

Post date: Apr 27, 2015 5:05:13 PM

Phase 1: Using the KWL Chart you will create, you will search for and print two articles about the person you have chosen to podcast about. You will then write in the margins to show me you are taking notes and have read the entire article.

We begin our unit on podcast biographies by learning how to use a KWL chart. We use a KWL chart to organize the things we already know about a topic, the questions we have about that topic, or what we want to know, and finally what we learn as we research our topic. When you begin to study new material, it is important to determine prior knowledge, or what they already know about the material. Your "What we want to know" is a list of things you feel you should about a person to create a biography. Download to your DocHub the KWL Famous Person Chart The “What I Know” is where you list the background knowledge you already have. The “What I Want to Know” is where you put the information you feel you need to know to create a biography. The “What I learned” is filled in with the information I learned while searching on the internet. I think about the keywords that I can pull from my “What I want to know” and put them in internet searches. These become your driving questions for your research.