Cyber Bullying: Be Upstanding

Post date: Mar 15, 2017 5:58:43 PM

Essential Question:

How do you judge the intentions and impact of people’s words and actions online?

Learning Objectives Students will be able to ...

Reflect on what it means to be brave and stand up for others offline and online.

Learn to show empathy for those who have been cyberbullied.

Generate multiple solutions for helping others when cyberbullying occurs.

Key Vocabulary Bystander: someone who sees cyberbullying happening, but does nothing to help

Upstander: someone who helps when they see cyberbullying occur

Empathize: to imagine the feelings that someone else is experiencing

What does it mean to be brave?

How can you show bravery if someone is being cyberbullied and you are a witness?

An upstander ...

Is not directly involved in the cyberbullying incident, but steps in to help anyway.

Empathizes with the targets of cyberbullying, letting them know that they care and are listening.

Does not spread rumors or go along with cyberbullies because of peer pressure, and may even tell the cyberbully to stop.

Encourages the target to tell a trusted adult about the situation.

Open the "Why Care?" PDF in DocHub and follow up with class discussions.

Don’t Be a Bystander

In this true story, many people contributed to the cyberbullying. But there were many more kids who knew about the situation but chose not to get involved. Kids who are not cyberbullying but who see, hear, or know about it are called bystanders. In this situation, kids in school who witnessed the abuse and kids online who viewed the video were bystanders.Use Common Sense!

Be an upstander! If you witness cyberbullying, you can help by supporting the target and letting the bullies know that their behavior is not acceptable. Here are things you can do:

Step in to help in a cyberbullying situation by letting the target know you are there for them.

Listen to and empathize with the target.

Do not spread rumors; instead, tell the cyberbully to stop.

Report what is happening to a trusted adult or website administrator, or encourage the target to tell a trusted adult. A trusted adult is someone who you believe will listen and has the skills, desire, and authority to help you.

Open the "Be Upstanding" PDF in DocHub and Finish for homework.