Copy and Paste Lesson 2

Post date: Apr 27, 2015 2:12:27 PM

Introduction: Being able to copy, paste, cut, and move items and text in a word document makes it nonlinear. Basically, you are able to move and rearrange your word document.


Control Key: You have two keys on your keyboard that have Ctrl. They are located on the bottom corners. Holding the control down and pushing the second key, you are able to perform many keyboard shortcuts.

Clipboard: This is the location their copies of items are put so they can be moved and put somewhere else.

Right Tool Box: Your mouse has two buttons. The one on the right brings up a toolbox. This toolbox has copy and past along with many other options.

Keyboard Short Cuts: Keyboard shortcuts were created to save time. They are tasks that are performed with the mouse and menu that also can be performed by holding the control button and hitting the second key.

Ctrl+X Think of the X as being a pair of scissors. You use this shortcut to cut things.

Ctrl+C This makes a copy.

Ctrl+V This glues what you have on the clipboard to your document.

Directions: The following statements from familiar fairytales do not make sense because they are all mixed up. Use the Cut and Paste functions in the right mouse toolbox or use keyboard shortcuts to rearrange part of each sentence so that the statements then make sense.

Fractured Fairytales

Little Red Riding Hood said, “I am bruised all over from that hard bed.”

The giant said, “Grandmother, what big eyes you have!”

The princess said, “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.”

The fairy godmother said, “Fe Fi Fo Fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman.”

The little pig said, “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!”

Papa Bear said, “You must be home by midnight.”