Daily Weather Tracker Excel

Post date: Apr 27, 2015 4:20:44 PM

    • Essential Questions:How can learning spreadsheet software help you be successful in the future?

    • Lesson Essential Question:How can spreadsheets be used to communicate data effectively?

Assignment: Each day, you will take time after your daily prompt to locate the weather information for the day and put in into an Excel spreadsheet. At first, you will need to create the spreadsheet but later you will only be opening it and adding your information. We will later use the information to graph the changes each day over time.

You will need to locate: Temperature in Fahrenheit, Wind Speed, Humidity, and Chance of Rain. Remember that temperature and wind speeds are whole numbers and humidity and the chance of rain are in percentages.

Your spreadsheet should star off looking like this

Make sure you save your Excel spreadsheet "Weather Tracker"