Video Project

Post date: Apr 19, 2017 9:45:57 PM

Present to the class a video created by you and your group. This video should have a target audience of teachers, parents, and other middle school students such as yourself. The video should be at least 3 minutes but can be longer depending on your content. Choose from the following options for the content of your video:Public Service Announcement: Your video identifies and showcases a “problem” that students your age encounter. Your project then explains the problem and identifies ways of handling it. You may need to include in your video knowledge testimony from professionals.Welcome to CMS: Your video showcases the many positive aspects of Carpentersville Middle School. This video would target incoming sixth graders and their parents as your audience. This should include examples of extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports that you participate in. It should also include projects or activities you enjoyed doing in classes. Make incoming sixth graders and their parents excited about being at CMS.

Farewell CMS: Very similar to the Welcome to CMS video, you presentation highlighting what you enjoyed most about Carpentersville Middle School. You’re giving examples of what you will miss about leaving CMS and teachers.

How To Video: Your video identifies a complex task and how to perform it. This video could also identify and explain how to fix a problem. The internet is full of these kinds of videos. People create “tutorials” to help others solve problems or perform complex tasks. Make sure you include all members of the group in the video.

Teaching and Storytelling: The example presented to your class falls into this category. Choose a historical event or Myth and present the story. Your presentation can resemble a skit or theater production. It can also be presented as a Documentary.

Original Story: Create an original story. This story should have the fundamentals of storytelling. Your plot should have characters, challenges, dialogue, a protagonist that push the plot forward. You need to have a clear ending and resolution to your story.

Grading and project benchmarks for completion:A one hundred point summative grade is the presentation of your group’s video. Your goal is to have a three to five-minute video that presents your content in a way that is interesting and engaging. At the end of your video, your audience has learned something and can tell which option you chose.

A fifty point formative grade is for your groups “Video Pitch” Your group presents to your teacher “Producer” your storyboard. Your storyboard should include a script of the dialogue and what is being said in your video. You should also have an outline of what will be seen in your video and the location. There are two goals of this assignment. One is for the teacher to have a good idea of what the video will look like when it’s done, and what I can expect your group to be doing as you work on the project. The second is to provide a checklist of what you will need to accomplish. The example outlines your teacher showed you for the sample video did both.A weekly participation grade of fifty points is exactly that. Ten points each day for you showing that you are working with your group and that you are actively showing progress in your video.Here is a sample Story Board

Think small, create big, have a plan: Filmmakers use a variety of strategies to tell their stories. A good story provides a better experience than a cool looking video. It all starts with planning. Make sure that you are able to accomplish what you set out to make. Your locations should be on school grounds. Outside participation needs to be planned for. Your teacher will provide daily filmmaker tricks and passes should you need to leave the room to work. You need to make sure you plan ahead so you can explain what you’re working on. Remember, what is on screen is important, not what isn’t.

Trust: The nature of this project may have you and your group moving around the school. You will have to plan and make sure you are respectful of the learning of others in the building. You will also trust your group members to collect footage on camera out of school. You may need to coordinate with one another to work outside of class time. You may need to use your personal cellphones to collect footage from your video.

Editing: The computers in the computer lab have audio and video editing software. I expect each group to use it for your project. I will work with people who need help moving video clips from cameras and phones to the computers.

Here is the Storyboard for a Documentary about Hades and Persephone. We will review this before we watch the video itself.

Showing Respect for others work: When you show disrespect at others people's work, you are not only disrespecting them but also yourself. We will all get to see the videos that your class puts together. I expect you to show the same level of respect towards other videos as you would want to be shown to yours. It's not a fair mindset to think that your video isn't good and should be laughed at. You set yourself up for failure when you don't take a task seriously and its not fare to others and yourself when you don't.