Excel Activity 05

Post date: Sep 21, 2016 7:33:19 PM

Essential Questions:

  • How can learning spreadsheet software help you be successful in the future?

Lesson Essential Question:

    • How can spreadsheets be used to communicate data effectively?

Human Population lab

1. Type this chart into an Excel spreadsheet. It will be on Sheet #1. Name the sheet “Data”.

Here is the data you need to type.

2. To find the population for both the year 2000 and for today, go to Geo Hive Earth Link. For the year 2000, look within the “Population: Evolution” section. For today’s population, look within the “Population: General” section. Be sure to record these amounts in millions, not the entire 10-digit number.

  • Make the B Column wider so you can see all your information.

  • Put a border around all cells from A1 to B21

3. Create a graph of the data. It should be a LINE CHART WITH MARKERS. Select your table A1 to B21 and insert a line chart.

  • You should have an appropriate title.

  • There should be axis labels for both the horizontal axis and vertical axis.

· Decide if the legend is needed to add to the understanding of the chart. Select your chart and click the + symbol and add a legend.

· Place the graph on Sheet #2 of your Excel workbook. Name the sheet “Line Chart”.

4. On Workbook Sheet 3, type the following. It is all in Column A, and the Column width should be 100. Name the sheet “Questions”. Click the + symbol next to the data sheet and name it.

Type the answer to the questions in the row directly below the question. If the answer doesn’t fit in the space, make the row higher and use “Wrap Text”.

5. Check your work and Save as Activity 5 and hand it in to Haiku