Voice Over Project

I Can Statements: * I can create and a script for a voice-over.

* I can evaluate a video and create alternate dialogue.

* I can record my alternate dialog with another student to dub new audio the video clip.

* I can explain the need and challenges of the process of dubbing a new dialogue to a video or movie.

Understanding foreign content: Movies, TV shows and Video's with dialog is not always going to be done in your native languages. Today's fast-paced communication allows video content from all over the world to be shared and enjoyed. Unlike music which can be universal, the dialog is language based and doesn't transfer to a viewer who isn't the same. People still found ways to enjoy content from other languages.

Live Translator: A person would translate in real time to the audience.

Subtitles: Translators would translate the dialog and have its text show up at the bottom of the video during that scene.

Audio Dubbing: Not only would a team of translators translate the dialogue, but a new voice actor and actress would record the dialogue for the scene. The normal challenges of translating ideas as well as having the time to speak make this approach unique. In some cases, new audio effects are needed.

Instructions: You have two options with this project.You can choose one of the video clips that don't have audio and you are to create a script of alternate dialogue. You will then record the new dialogue for the video clip. *Group Project*

You can choose one of the video clips that do have audio and you are to create a script that translates the dialogue from English to Spanish or Spanish to English depending on the language of the original. *Solo Project*

Expectations: This is meant to be a fun and exciting group project. Yes, you will need other group members to voice other characters so make sure you are grouping with a person you want to work with. I plan on sharing your work with the class and teachers so keep the dialogue clean. Don't be afraid to enjoy some humor. You will be graded on the completion of your script as well as your redubbing of the video clip.

Tips: The camera won't always be on the person talking. Many times the camera will shift to another person to capture their response as the original person talks. Unlike live theater where the audience can shift back and forth between two characters as they wish, the camera must use creative editing to accomplish the same effect. This can give you a great deal of creative space to have segments of dialogue extend past the person speaking.

Time Track: Mark the time in the video when events happen to best time your dialogue.

Need more people in your group or embarrassed by your voice? Use Text 2 Speech.org to type what you would like spoken and how. The site exports the audio for you to use in your project. BUT! Nothing is free. The number of times you can record and export is limited so don't waste them.

Subtitles or Closed Captions: This option is for people who don't want to record new dialogue with their own voices. You are then expected to create subtitles for the dialogue or Closed Captions so we can enjoy the video experience in that regard. *Solo Project*

Video Editing: We will be using a web program called WeVideo

SCRIPT: A Bad Bad Cold

MINSANG: I have a really bad cold. It’s a bad, bad cold doctor. Very bad. I feel so sick.

DOCTOR: Do you? Did you drink warm water?

MINSANG: No, I didn’t. Why?

DOCTOR: You crazy. Everyone knows you should drink warm water.

MINSANG: Oh, really? My hands feel cold.

DOCTOR: Did you forget your gloves too?

MINSANG: Ah, yeah I did.

DOCTOR: I know why you are sick. You don’t wear warm clothes in winter.

MINSANG: Ah... ?

Here are your clips: