Green Screen

Green screen (also blue screen) is the use of a single color as a backdrop in filming to make it simpler and easier to add backgrounds, characters or other images. Computers identify the color in the background and allow you to digitally add your own background. Actors who are wairing the color can also have items added. Students will be able to record a news segment and use the Color Keying effect in WeVideo to change the background of a video segment.

When you watch the news, reporters very often will go to the location with a crew to capture and report on an event. In the background, you see the event being presented by the reporter. The Color Keying effect is commonly used by weather reporters who wish to report the weather with maps and animations behind them as visual aids. Other times this effect is used to digitally bring in elements on to the screen that normally wouldn't be there. 

Color Keying will allow you to create the illusion that you are at that location while in your classroom. You could even use the Color Keying effect to put an animated graphic behind you.

Click on the clip and select the clip editor.

Select the Color Key effect and color pick the background color in the clip. 

Color Keying and Color Selector.png   

You must have a video in another video track at the same time as the clip you are editing for it to show up in the background. 


Use this link to copy the Green Screen Planning  There is also a copy in your Innovative Technology folder. After you have filled this out, you will then need to use a camera to record what you need in front of a green screen. You will then use the green screen effect to put your video clip together. There are two options below.  

Option 1 Solo Project:  Import the green screen video from your google drive into a new project. This video is of a Woman applying green makeup to her face in front of a green screen. Complete the Green Screen Planning google document. Explain the background, music, voices, and other sounds. 

Option 2 Group Project: You and your group may not use the woman applying green makeup. You are expected to fill out the Green Screen Planning google document and use a camera to record your video and WeVideo to edit your video. 

You will be filming this part of the film segment in front of the Green Screen. You will later edit the Green Screen out and replace the background with something which already exists in WeVideo’s Essentials Library. Write down all of the plans in the table below.

Click on the Star and look over the essentials library. The library is searchable and can give you ideas on what your new report can be based on the types of backgrounds. You are also free to make your own background. Record thirty seconds of an event and don’t move your phone or camera.  

Choose your content. This should have been scripted in your Green Screen Planning document. Even if you're doing a solo project using the makeup footage provided. Your content can be a weather report, sports, report, or any other communication that has a background that you needing to bring in using the green screen effect. 

Creation  There is only one green screen with lighting. You will need to take turns with your classmates. make sure you have a google doc with a short paragraph of what you are going to say for your news report. We will use the cameras on the laptops and records. 

Your Video must have a news clip lead-in. When you report the news, make sure you introduce your self and your topic. Explain your topic. Your clip should end with you introducing your self once again before you send your news report.