5th January 2020

Post date: 05-Jan-2020 21:15:45

Poor cousin Joey and Dom won’t be happy bunnies tonight! Liverpool put up a team of reserves against Everton in the FA cup 3rd round match – and won definitively! This was another consequence of the packed programme for Liverpool these past few weeks, what with the World Cup and the League cup as well as the Premier League. anyway, it worked out OK and it just goes to show that Bill Shankly was right when he said “This city has two great teams – Liverpool and Liverpool reserves!”

Of course, even an Everton defeat in a Merseyside Derby match may not be enough to dampen Dom's spirits, because t ocompensate, he does have the love of his life (i.e. Mariam) back with him in Liverpool. Lucy went back on the train yesterday. She was glad that Gavin got his way and the funeral was before the schools and universities go back for the Spring Term, so she was able to be there to support Stella, who read the lesson (a mercifully short one from John's Gospel) very well. Perhaps Gavin knew that she was experienced in reading in church and that's why he asked her to do it.

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