3rd October 2018

Post date: 03-Oct-2018 19:25:57

It's been an up-and-down sort of a day. While the trial continued, with the prosecution presenting medical evidence about the victim's injuries, Peter followed up on new evidence from one of the defence witnesses. Unfortunately, that only served to implicate the defendant's sister (and by association the defendant), which means that the upshot is that this witness isn't going to be called after all. Now the defence all seems to depend on the identity of a woman who was seen letting herself into the house while Vanessa (the defendant) was out. We're all feeling a bit disillusioned with the whole criminal justice business, after hearing from the defence counsel that she actually doesn't want us to find out who this mystery woman was, because she'll find it easier to convince the jury that there's "reasonable doubt" that Vanessa is guilty, if it's left as a mystery, rather than giving the woman, whoever she is, a chance to come up with an explanation of what she was doing there. It's all rather depressing really.

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