29th December 2019

Post date: 29-Dec-2019 18:39:26

Another good day for Liverpool! After beating Wolves 1-0 they are back to 13 points out in front at the top of the league, with a game in hand - and they're still unbeaten at the halfway mark of the season.

Stella seemed a bit more cheerful when we saw her at church this morning. I think she's starting to get over her feelings of survivor guilt following Kenny's death. I'm glad we never found any definitive evidence to suggest that she was the intended target - that would really have made things difficult for her. The next big hurdle for her to get over will be Kenny's funeral on Friday. Peter's acting as liaison between the family and the police force, trying to get a balance between privacy for Gavin and Chrissie and a show of solidarity with a brother officer killed in the line of duty.

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