28th September 2018

Post date: 28-Sep-2018 18:14:15

Jonah and I spent most of the day at the hospital. It was just one of the regular check-ups that he has to monitor his bodily functions and make sure he's not developing anything nasty as a result of being paralysed. There are lots of conditions that people with spinal injuries are more prone to than the general population - especially as they get older. Thankfully, he came back with a clean bill of health - so far anyway. There are some test results to wait for, but there's no reason to expect them to show anything up.

Peter made a quick trip over to Evesham in the morning and got to speak to one of the neighbours who was out last time we called at the Wellesleys' house. It didn't tell us much, unfortunately. Then, after that, he had Ricky and Abigail to look after until Eddie came home from work. Crystal was on a late shift. She's managed to arrange to be on nights next week, so that Peter will be free to attend the trial. It's looking increasingly as if that is going to be a rather depressing affair, with Vanessa almost certain to be found guilty of manslaughter if not of murder. Jonah says we'll just have to work hard over the weekend to find out who the real murderer is, but even he doesn't have much of a plan for how we do that!

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