20th April 2018

Post date: 21-Apr-2018 20:03:30

Wayne and Dean had a house warming party today. They've been living in their house in Cowley for a while now, but they had a lot of work to do to get it the way they wanted it. It all looks very smart with fresh paint and new kitchen units. They're very pleased to have a garden and three bedrooms. They've gone to town on doing up the largest bedroom, which is going to be for Carl and Harry, the two boys whom they're hoping to adopt. They're brothers, aged 7 and 5, who have had a rather chequered home-life so far. They've been in care for two years now and are considered "hard to place" because of their challenging behaviour. Wayne and Dean have been visiting them regularly for nearly a year and they seem to really hit it off. Wayne has quite a lot of experience of coaching young boys in rugby, which probably helps. The boys are going to come for their first visit in the summer, which is why Wayne and Dean have been so keen to make their room as attractive as they can. Anyway, fingers crossed, they'll soon have their own little family!

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