15th April 2018

Post date: 15-Apr-2018 18:19:09

Who would have thought it? We seem to have a new routine for Sunday mornings! Ever since Father Damien forced Jonah into accepting the bread at the Easter Vigil Mass, when we all went along to see Peter being confirmed into the roman Catholic Church, he's insisted on going with Peter to the early Mass and then on to Cowley Road for our usual Methodist service. It'a bit of a rush getting him ready in time in the morning, but it's worth it to see harmony restored in the family. I had really been getting owrried that Jonah was feeling pushed out by Peter's conversion. Father Damien was truly inspired when he worked out a way of brining him round to accepting that it wasn't going to break up the family or leave him isolated. I could hug him (even though he is a priest)!

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