11th May 2018

Post date: 11-May-2018 18:52:13

We're all nicely settled in the hotel this evening ready for Paul and Karen's wedding tomorrow. If you've forgotten who Paul is, you can read about him in the very first Bernie Fazakerley Mystery, Two Little Dickie Birds. That's when he was working with Peter way back in 2002. You can read about another murder investigation much later, after he'd moved to West Mercia Police, in chapter 7 of Changing Scenes of Life. That's when Jonah and I first met Karen, who is also a police officer. There was a bit of a misunderstanding then, which Peter described as "like a Whitehall Farce", but we got it all cleared up in the end - we got the murder cleared up too and sent a couple of serial killers to jail for a very long time.

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