Potage St. Germain


3 cups Frozen Peas

1 leek

1 onion

1-2 cups vegetable or chicken broth or bouillon

literally pounds of dried mint

A few fresh mint leaves

black pepper

Big Flaky sea-salt


  1. Defrost the peas in the microwave with a few teaspoons of water.

  2. Slice leek thin, microwave 1-2 minutes until barely soft

  3. Blend peas and leek. Every few seconds, stop the blender, mix everything up, and restart. Add a quarter cup of broth as needed.

  4. When somewhat liquid, add dried mint, up to a quarter cup or more for a blender full.

  5. Cut the onion in half, from pole to pole. Then thin slice "parallel to the equator." Microwave until just barely translucent.

  6. Set aside enough (usually 1/4 of an onion) for garnish. Add the rest to the blender.

  7. Blend it, and add little bits of broth, until it reaches desired thickness.

  8. Serve at room temp, heated, or chilled.

  9. Fry in olive oil on high heat until crispy. When the edges are just getting bunt, take them out of the pan and set them on a piece of paper towel to soak up any excess oil.

  10. Serve with ground pepper, pinch of fired onions, sprinkle with Malden or other flaky seas salt, and garnish with mint leaf.