Dry Fried Prawns (Sri Lanka) [Isso Thel Dhala]

Finely chop

2 medium onions

2 cloves garlic

(or blend them in a cuisinart). Heat

2T oil

in large frying pan, and add the onion mix and stir-fry until golden. Add

chili powder to taste (up to 2t)

salt to taste

2 t paprika

1/4 t turmeric

Stir continuously, frying, for 1-2 minutes. Add

1lb peeled king prawns

1t shrimp powder, if avail.

Mix well and fry for 3-4 min, stirring often. Stir in

6T water

and cook gently for 5 min. Stir in

1.5 t sugar

1T tomato paste

and cook uncovered for a few minutes until sauce becomes a rich, dark, reddish brown and thickens to coat the prawns.