Polenta-blue cheese-leeks casserol

Modified from https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020104-baked-polenta-with-crispy-leeks-and-blue-cheese

Dissolve in a few T of water

    1 tsp Better-than-bouillion no-chicken base (or vegetable base)

In shallow corningware oval casserole, place

    3 c water

    1 c milk

    the dissolved bouillion

and mix, and then add 

    1 cup Pastene polenta 

and mix.

Cook in a microwave for about 4 minutes; stir; cook about 4 more minutes. 

Meanwhile, clean and chop 

    2-4 leeks

    2 large shallots

in one or two large skillets, melt

    3T butter

    3T olive oil

over medium-high heat, and add

    the leeks

cooking until they're browned; remove to a bowl with a slotted spoon. Then in the same fat, cook

    the shallots

until they are browned; remove to the same bowl. 

At this point, you can refrigerate the whole mess overnight, reheat in the microwave in the morning, breaking up with a spoon or spatula and adding a little water, sprinkle the onion-leek mix over the polenta, and serve.