
Sunday: SW hot dish.  Acorn squash. Apple pie.      Make pickled beets (https://www.inspiredtaste.net/59386/pickled-beets/)

Monday: (cold, ballet) Kabocha soup, chopped spinach w nutmeg, apple pie, pickled beets?

Tuesday: (halloween, cold, BDW day): Turkey chili (Pierre Franey), pasta-shapes with cumin-roasted carrots

Wednesday (Rainy, cold): Leftovers. Salad.

Thursday (Boat day; SH; AE): (leftovers? takeout?)

Friday:  Shrimp, avocado, and cuke; baked sweet potato

Saturday:   Med fish stew. Red wine.  

Sunday: Grilled cheese,   tomato soup. lemon zucchini