C4 Pork Bone Soup




Hong Kong

Auntie Jan

(Katherine's Aunt)

12 servings

This is a Chinese soup that is very representative of the traditional style. I've translated this as "C4" not because of its explosive properties, but because its four primary ingredients all start with "C" (in English, anyway)...


    • 1 lb chestnuts, peeled
    • 2 ears of corn, halved
    • 2 chayote, quartered
    • 2 carrots, quartered
    • 1 lb pork bones (with a little bit of meat on them)
    • 1 gallon water
    • salt to taste

To Prepare

    1. Bring the water to a boil in a large pot
    2. Add the pork bones, reduce to a simmer, let cook 1 hour
    3. Add vegetables, simmer for 2 hours
    4. Add salt just before serving (pork has some natural salt, so we add very little extra)