Bea Bea's Pancakes



United States

(West Virginia)

Beatrice Hill

("Bea Bea")

Dry Ingredients

    • 3 cups flour
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 4 tsp baking powder
    • 2 T sugar

Wet Ingredients

    • 2 beaten eggs
    • 2 cups milk (or soy milk)
    • 2 T melted shortening (or vegetable oil)

To Prepare

    1. Mix dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately
    2. Pour wet ingredients into dry, beat until smooth
    3. Cook in a pan over medium heat
    4. As the pancakes cook, bubbles will begin to form on top. Flip each pancake when those bubbles start to pop

To Serve

Top with whipped cream, fresh fruit, nuts, nutella, honey, maple syrup, treacle, etc.