Oven-Made Roux



United States



A cajun / creole soup thickener that is traditionally made by pan-frying flour (one part flour and one part vegetable oil) in a cast iron skillet. That method is very time-consuming, though, because you must constantly stir the mixture while it is being heated (so as to prevent it from burning). It's also more dangerous, as simmering roux tends to launch bullets of oil out of the pan. Oven-made roux provides the exact same end result (a thickener and flavoring), but with a very safe and low-maintenance process.


1 cup all-purpose flour

To Prepare

Evenly spread the flour across a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake, stirring the flour every 10 minutes (so that it browns consistently) until it reaches a deep brown.