Steamed Fish 蒸魚






1 fish


    • 1 fresh fish, like 星班 (leopard coral trout)
    • ginger, sliced
    • cilantro, chopped
    • scallions, chopped
    • 4 T soy sauce
    • 2 tsp sesame oil
    • 1 T cooking oil

To Prepare

    1. Wash the fish
    2. Fill a pot/wok with water, insert a steamer rack, and bring the water to a rolling boil
    3. Mix the soy sauce and sesame oil; set aside
    4. Place the fish on a bed of sliced ginger and steam together for about 8 minutes per catty of fish (1.33 pounds or 604 grams)
    5. Turn off the stove and let the fish sit in the steamer for 5 minutes
    6. Pull the fish out of the steamer and drain the water
    7. Pour the mixture of sesame oil and soy sauce over the length of the fish
    8. Pile on chopped scallions and cilantro
    9. Heat cooking oil until it smokes and drizzle over the length of the fish (you'll hear a very loud sizzle)

Some interesting variations include fermented black beans, chili peppers, lemon zest, etc (added just before the hot oil).