Basler Läckerli





(with alterations by Gray Carper)



    • 蜜糖450克 | 450 grams (16 oz) honey (Manuka is recommended; use Agave for a Vegan-friendly substitution)
  • 砂糖300克 | 300 grams (1½ cups) granulated sugar
    • 肉桂粉1½湯匙 | 1½ T of cinnamon
    • 丁香粉⅛茶匙 | 1 pinch of ground cloves
    • 肉豆蔻粉½茶匙 | ½ tsp of ground nutmeg
    • 橙皮糖100克 (切粗粒) | 100 grams (3½ oz) ground candied orange peel
    • 檸檬皮糖100克 (切粗粒) | 100 grams (3½ oz) ground candied lemon peel
  • 榛子200克 (切粗粒) | 200 grams (7 oz) ground hazelnuts (or a mixture of hazelnuts and almonds)
    • 一個檸檬嘅檸檬皮絲 | Zest of 1 lemon
    • 櫻桃酒100毫升 | 1 dl (100 ml) of kirsch (cherry brandy)
    • 麵粉600克 | 600g (5 cups) flour
    • 1½茶匙 | 1½ tsp of baking powder
    • 糖霜粉150克 | 150 grams (1½ cups) confectioners sugar
    • 水3湯匙 | 3 T water

To Prepare

  1. 喺長柄鑊撈埋一齊啲蜜糖,砂糖,肉桂粉,丁香粉,肉豆蔻粉. 開老火, 慢慢加熱. 溶完之後熄火.
  2. Put honey, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg in a pan, heat up slowly, then remove from stove
    1. Add candied orange peel, candied lemon peel, nuts, and lemon zest; stir until mixed evenly
    2. Add kirsch, flour and baking powder, knead on a table to form a cookie dough
    3. While the dough is still warm, roll it out on to two greased baking sheets approximately 5 mm (0.2 inches) thick
    4. Let it rest for 5 to 6 hours (or overnight) in a dry place
    5. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the center of a pre-heated oven at 220 °C / 430 °F
    6. Mix confectioners sugar and water then frost uncut cookies immediately
    7. Cut into small squares, remove from baking sheets, and cool
  3. Put the cookies in an airtight container (tupperware, ziplock bag, etc) and let them sit for 3-5 days before eating (this makes sure they get soft and chewy)