Language Arts- Mrs. Phelps

This week we are learning about persuasive writing and using this knowledge to start our next project! After reading Because of Winn Dixie, a clear theme of the book is that finding and keeping Winn Dixie enriched the life of Opal and helped her build friendships she had been longing for. In an attempt to help homeless dogs like Winn Dixie, students are going to create posters for a dog of their choice from the Louisville Metro Animal Services website.  They will include a photo, basic information and a persuasive paragraph trying to persuade potential adopters to choose their dog! Students will be learning reasons why adopting from shelters is so important for the homeless animal population in our community and looking up facts about the breed of dog. I cannot wait to see finished products and deliver them to LMAS.

Morphology:  (We did not get to this last week) This week we will learn one suffix -ly, meaning "like or manner of" (adverb/adjective). Key words include: friendly, softly, sadly 

Homework: No Homework this week! If you would like your child practicing reading skills at home, they are ALWAYS encouraged to work on their IXL skill plans. We are going to be talking this up a lot at school as well!

Math-Mrs. Bennett

This week in Math class we will relate fractions and whole numbers by expressing whole numbers as fractions and recognizing fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Students will use manipulatives such as pattern blocks, fraction bars, and fraction circles to help visualize how fractions can be equivlant to whole numbers. Students will learn when a fraction is considered improper and proper. 


Since it is a short week, I wanted to change up our homework routine a bit. By Friday, students should complete two IXL's listed on their Math Skill Plan. Students know how to find this on their iPads. Students will also be given time in class to work on their Skill Plan. I know some students do not know how to do some of the skills listed on their plans. They can either pick one they can accomplish independently, or they are welcome to come see me during morning/afternoon homeroom and I will work with them! Feel free to reach out to me with questions or feedback! 

3/12- Work on IXL Skill Plan

3/13- Work on IXL Skill Plan

3/14- Work on IXL Skill Plan

3/15- Two IXL's should be complete to 100% by today! 

Social Studies- Mrs. Crush

In Social Studies, the students will continue our Economics Unit. This unit focuses on the basics of economics and the free enterprise system in the U.S. The students will learn about money, business, and entrepreneurs. 

Stations of the Cross

On Fridays during Lent, the students participate in a call and response Stations of the Cross. With them going in the mornings, they are also fortunate to be in the church during Adoration. We spend a few minutes at the end in silence to pray and listen to Jesus. 

Religion- Mrs. Crush

We are continuing our Saints Madness tournament! During each class, the students learn and watch the students' iMovies of at most eight saints and then answer questions about the saints.  

Here is a link to the rubric:

Student Led Prayer: Praise II due Friday, March 15

3rd Trimester Service Hours + Reflection due Wednesday, May 15

Science- Ms. Jackel