Week of 5/20 - 5/24

We had a fantastic field trip to Frankfort! To see all the photos. click on the Google Photo link! Enjoy!




This week we will review for our figurative language quiz on Wednesday. We will continue to explore poetry and the poetic devices that poets use to help create emotion, mood, and imagery within their writing.  We are really focusing on diving deep into a poem to discover what the author wants us to feel, what story they are trying to tell, and how they use figurative language to do so. 

If we have time, we are also going to be reviewing some capitalization rules (specifically in titles). This will be helpful or the upcoming Language Usage MAP test. 

Homework: Figurative Language Quiz on Wednesday (Use poetry journal from class and Kahoot on google classroom to study)


This week in Math class we are wrapping up our school year! I can't believe we are already wrapping up the year! Students will begin to clean out their materials and bring home their books. Students need to bring their chargers back on Thursday. Please make sure all chargers work properly with no damage. Also, please ensure that the brick is an iPad brick (not phone.) We will clean and restore our iPads to the factory setting before they are collected. If students have anything on their iPad they want to keep, they need to move it over before Thursday. 


No homework! 

Summer Recommendations: 

*I highly recommend finishing the Simple Solutions book over the summer! We got to lesson #116, but there are 140 lessons. You could utilize these additional lessons to help review before 6th grade. I also recommend the Summer Solutions book. The link to orders the book is below. Please buy for the grade your child just completed and the Standards Based version. 



We will be complete our centers about our state of Kentucky. 

*Please see link above to see photos to Frankfort. 


We will complete Chapter 20, "Four Marks of the True Church," in our Word of Life workbooks.  In this chapter, students will begin to know that the Church's unity reflects the unity of the Blessed Trinity, know and define each of the four marks of the one true Church, know that they are called to be missionaries by witnessing to the faith in their daily lives, and know that whether they are priests, religious, or laity, they are called to bring Christ to others. 

Chapter 20 Open Book Assignment: Monday, May 20