Week of 11/13 - 11/17

Important Dates

Oct. 30-Nov. 16 Community Cereal Drive (See photo)

Nov. 8-Blaze Pizza Restaurant Night, 4-8pm

Nov.20-24 Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 3- Cookies with Santa, following 10:30a.m. Mass

Dec.9-Biscuit Belly Restaurant Fundraiser, 7:30am-3pm

Dec. 20-11:00a.m. Dismissal

Dec. 21-Jan.2 Christmas Break

Jan. 16-City BBQ Restaurant Fundraiser, 11am-8pm



Important Note for LA:

In an effort to help students come better prepared for class, I am providing a list of materials they are expected to bring to LA class everyday:

If students do not bring these items to class, they will now have to write their own name on the board. I am hoping this encourages them to better prepare for class and eliminate class disruptions for myself and Mrs. Bennett.


This week we are focusing on the body paragraphs of our opinion pieces. The goal is for students to connect their reasons for their opinion to details and facts they read in their research. The facts need to be related to their topic and support their opinion. Once we have our body paragraphs complete, students will work on their conclusions and begin the editing process.

In Morphology, we will be adding 4 NEW GREEK BASES (auto, micro, (o)logy, scope). Since we typically learn 1-2 new morphemes and are working on a writing piece in class, I am considering these their vocabulary words for the week. They will still have flash cards and slides to use for studying but the quiz will look different. They can expect the quiz to look similar to last weeks.




This week in Math class, students are working on estimating 2-digit products. We will work on solving real-world scenarios where two 2-digit numbers are being multiplied, but an exact answer isn't required. We will discuss how estimates make us better mathematicians and scenairos when they are used in the real-world. We will begin to work on multiplying 2-digit numbers using area model as our strategy! 

*I have been updating my Google Site recently. If you go to the "Math Resource" tab, I have added help videos for different math skills. These videos are made by me, so you can see exactly how I am teaching a skill in class. Please check these out and use them as needed. I will be adding new videos throughout the year!*


11/13- SS #49

11/14- SS #50

11/15- SS #51

11/16- SS #52

 11/17- SS Quiz 


We will continue our unit of Geography of the United States. Students will focus on the Southeast Region.  They will learn about the land, climate, waterways, and landmarks in the Southeast.  Students will have a similar landmark project as they did for the Southeast region. They will be completing these this week and start presenting. 

*On Friday, the students participated in "Host a Vet" virtual program from the Kentucky Historical Society. They created questions prior to the session and three of their questions were asked during the session. ***Images from the event below. 


We will continue Chapter 3, "The Life of Virtue," in our Word of Life workbooks. The students will know that natural law leads to earthly happiness, whereas the revealed law leads to eternal law, begin to understand that Jesus fully reveals God and His laws, understand that to be virtuous persons of character, they must form their consciences, and be able to distinguish the cardinal moral virtues from the theological virtues. 

Ch. 3 Test is on Friday, December 1 (pages 27-38). (Updated Date)

2nd Trimester Service Hours + Reflection due Wednesday, Feb. 14