Jake Leg Rag
Narmour & Smith wrote the tune.
R. Crumb's drawing based on the black & white album cover.
Key of D. Two parts.
Harry Bolick's version is great fun [bandcamp]. He wrote the book on Mississippi fiddle tunes.
Jake Leg?
Jake Leg?
Jake Leg was a form of paralysis that appeared when USA lived under the prohibition-of-alcohol amendment to the constitution. Jake Leg was brought on by drinking Jake, a liquor substitute.
Not to be confused with...
Not to be confused with...
The East River String Band performed Jake Leg Blues [utoob].
The Ray Brothers recorded Jake Leg Wobble [utoob] and I Got the Jake Leg Too [utoob] on 78.
The Allen Brothers recorded Jake Leg Blues [utoob non-video] on 78.
Asa Martin recorded Jake Leg Blues [utoob non-video] on 78.