Pre2nd 2015 02 session B Questions Sample Answers

1. According to the passage, how do students get a better understanding of a foreign culture?

*By spending time at their sister schools abroad.*

2. Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.

* A man is painting the wall.*

* A boy is washing his hands.*

* A woman is planting flowers.*

* A girl is pulling a cart.*

* A boy is running.*

3. Now, look at the girl in Picture B. Please describe the situation.

*A girl is outside. Her phone is ringing, but she can't receive the call because she is carrying many things in her hands.*

Now, Mr./Ms. ______, please turn over the card and put it down.

4. Do you think students should take part in club activities at school?

Yes. → Why?

*Yes, because club activities can teach students life-lessons. They can learn many other things that they can't learn in their classrooms.*

No. → Why not?

*No, because students are already very busy in their academic studies and their cram schools. They have no time for club activities.*

5. Today, many people enjoy listening to songs from English-speaking countries. Do you like to listen to songs in English?

Yes. → Please tell me more.

*Yes. English songs are cool. I have a favorite English singer, and I love listening to his songs.*

No. → Why not?

*No, because I can't understand the meaning of the English songs.*