Original No. 1 sample speech

1. English is the key to discovering other cultures


The English language is a widely spoken language and is the dominant language used in international organizations. The language has been used for ages and a growing number of speakers are evident of how it makes the language part of almost everyone's lifestyle.


While English is not an official language in most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a second language around the world. Yes, being able to speak and understand English can bring you around to many places by helping you converse and interact with people. But what really is the main factor in order for one to realize and experience other cultures is by embracing and becoming one with the people in that particular place. Only in that way will you be able to attain a genuine feel of one's culture. Understanding and discovering cultures can't be based solely on one factor. Just like learning how to walk, you need several components in order for you to be successful in that field.


For me, English is not entirely the key to discovering the cultures of the world but it is merely an aid in unveiling different cultures by using a medium understood by almost all of humanities.

2. Importing foreign workers is the answer to bolster labor shortage in Japan

With an intense competition from China, a declining birthrate and younger generations opting for white-collar jobs, indeed Japan is short of laborers.

It has become an alarming fact that the shortage of laborers could chip away the craftsmanship tradition in Japan. Younger generations are growing more like their Western counterparts in job-hopping and seeking dot-com riches. It is a fact that younger Japanese tend to look down upon production work as dirty, tough and dangerous, thus, Japanese companies are struggling to attract younger Japanese workers. If these problems remain unresolved, it could affect greatly the economy of Japan. Many potential laborers from other countries, especially in the third world countries, could help save many Japanese companies from completely being wiped out of the map. I firmly believe that the only way to cope with labor shortage in Japan is thru hiring laborers overseas who are willing to work since younger Japanese would no longer want to venture on jobs that require the use of both hands.

The government should spend more time in deliberating about immigration into the country. Let's face it, Japan is a rapidly graying country and in order for it to stay abreast with other nations, it must have younger workers to sustain labor shortage.

3. Global warming is the result of mankind's negligence

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface. It is very much striking that people nowadays are feeling the effect of their negligence in the form of this so called global warming.

Ever since the industrial era, emissions of greenhouse gases have never ceased and now we are facing the consequences of going overboard. Though natural phenomenon also contributes to global warming, however, evident of human doings, such as, but not limited to the following: continuous emission of carbon dioxide thru motor vehicles and in many industrial companies; emanation of methane, a component of fuels; changes in the use of lands; and deforestation are among the many factors that chips in to global warming. Regardless of this saucy human acts, some still are in denial of that fact that, indeed, global warming is now the emergence of human negligence. Whatever we can do to prevent this situation from aggravating, we must do them right away before everything is too late.

The only thing left for us to do is to do everything we can to save what's left of what had been a global warming-free world inhabited by ruthless humans.

4. Stem cell research; to do or not to do

Stem cells are found in most organisms and they have the ability to renew themselves into a diverse range of specialized cell types.

There are different types of stem cell research and each type has different characteristics. Amongst the different types, this so-called Embryonic stem cell research has stirred so much controversy in contemporary times. Just put it this way, you take cells from an embryo and in the process the embryo dies, the same is true that a potential life is wasted. However, these cells from embryos , if taken successfully can have a great possibility of finding cures for certain debilitating diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, spine injuries, diabetes, heart failures and many others diseases without cures yet . Pursuing this type of research can question ones morality but the question is really whether or not this type of advancement can do humanity better or will it just simply put all the embryos, having the potential for life, to wasted resources and effort.

Basically this topic is quite questionable since it hasn't been really proven that this type of advancement in the field of medicine is successful since scientists are yet in the process of doing further research. Before one can really make a stand, a solid research and much evidences should be gathered so no one will be jeoppardizing anything that might cause harm to everyone.

5. Human cloning brings forth positive advancement in medicine

Cloning is a general term for the research activity that creates a copy of some biological entity. Human Cloning is something the world needs to be ready for.

Ever since Dolly the Sheep was first cloned in 1997 human cloning becomes an issue if what would be the purpose of it. Human Cloning is very common for slavery so the leaders in business, government and religions are taking this seriously. There are lots of disadvantages in Human Cloning one of it is there is no free will for the clone. Human Cloning can cause a big chaos because there will be same identity, same finger prints and etc. And it is not yet proven if the clones can live for a long time or if it is safe. The life of clones will not be easy because they have to learn a lot of things like emotions, rules here on earth and etc.

For me, Human Cloning is not okay simply because this can threaten those human beings that are not cloned and those people who are specifically just living normal lives. It might happen in the future that the clones will rule the earth and will slave those human beings that are not cloned and by that time, things on Earth will never be the same again.