

picture1: A girl wanted a smartphone so she showed a poster that said, "kid's smartphone contact your children anytime!" to her parents. The poster was from ABC Cell Phones. The parents thought maybe they should give their daughter a cell phone to keep her safe.

picture2:The next weekend, the parents went to the ABC Cell Phones shop. They heard the instruction from the shopper and decided to buy a cell phone for her. Her father imagined how delighted the girl will be when they gave the phone.

picture3:The following week, a girl had a dance class. When she finished, it was already dark. If she had no phone, she would have been dangerous. But because she had a phone, she was able to contact her father to pick her up by car, so she was safe. Her father felt it was a good decision to give her a phone.

picture4: However, at the parent-teacher meeting, the girl's teacher told the parents, "Some students are playing with smartphones in class." The parents wondered if their daughter are using her phones too and thought about the merit and the demerit about letting their daughter keep her phone.

Q1:If I was the father, I would be considering and wondering if the decision to give the girl a phone was right.

Q2:No, I don't think so. I feel students wouldn't be able to think by themselves if parent takes part in activities too much.

Q3:No, I don't think so. Now, in Japan universities are looking for many students that has a chance. So they are having many times of entrance exam. Also, students should feel pressure then to overcome a big incident in the future.

Q4:Yes, I think the government should. Compared to other countries, there are less laws about internet crimes. In order to prevent those cyber crimes, government should make more laws about it and need to think a way to prevent crimes.