
How to pronounce The STOP consonant [h]

Links to Phonetics: the sound of American English (発音の仕方をこちらのリンクから確認)

Pink: relatively lower priorities

Red: High priorities

Let's practice







Other word examples

Directions: Read the following words, phrases, sentences and tongue twisters correctly

saying the / h / accurately and distinctly.


helium, hurray, hungry, hello, who, how, heresy, humble, hectic, hole, holiday, holistic, halloween , home, harbor


somehow, anyhow, Abraham, behavior, behind, airhead, brightness, beheld


Handbags at ten paces hiding to nothing

happy as clam hit the ground running

head over heels

heads up

Helter Skelter


1. He was brought to the hospital because of his illness.

2. John is happy when he received a gift from his girlfriend.

3. Hurry spent his night at the house of his friend because he is hiding from someone.

4. My brother teach little Honey how to jump high.

5. Hadrian's father died in a plane crash.

Tongue Twisters

1. The hare’s ear heard ere the hare heeded.

2. A haddock!

A haddock!

A black-spotted haddock!

A black spot

On the black back

Of a black-spotted haddock!

3.Hiccup teacup!

Exercise 1: Pictures

Instructions: Identify the following pictures with the / h / sound.

Exercise 2: Vocabulary Test

Test I

Instructions: Underline the correct word that corresponds to the sentence.

1. Who broke the camel's _______ (hemp, hump, hap)?

2. "_______ (Hose, Whose, Host) wristwatch is this|?" Harry asked.

3. _______ (Habbits, Hobbits, Hubs) are imaginary being similar to a person but smaller and with hairy feet.

4. The _______ (hart, hurt, heart) is an organ that pumps blood throughout the body

5. Yesterday afternoon's _______ (heat, het, hit) was almost unbearable, the sun shined fiercely.

Test II

Match the words in column A with the meanings in column B.


1. holocaust a. someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures

2. hedonist b. an act of mass destruction and loss of life

3. hippie c. a plant fiber

4. heroic d. someone who rejects the established culture

5. homogenous e. all of the same or similar kind or nature

f. a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators

g. relating to or characteristic of heroes of antiquity

Test III

Listening Test

Instructions: Listen carefully` as the teacher reads series of sentences.

Fill in the blanks the appropriate word to complete the sentence.

1. His _______ (hate, height) advantage _______ (helped, hyped) him win last Friday.

2. _______ (Hiss, His) falacious argument made the people in the courtroom _______ (hiss, his).

3. I think these_______ (home, whom) made cookies are too_______ (heavy, hive) for my diet.

4. He's a _______ (heck, hack) of a guy!

5. A mother _______ (hen, han)

is busy picking corn seeds with her _______ (nob, nib).

Exercise 3: Article reading

Instructions: Read the article correctly saying the / h / sound accurately and underline

the words with the / h / sound. Then answer the following questions.

Is Mr. Smith There?

A law firm receptionist answered the phone the morning after the firm's senior partner had passed away unexpectedly.

"Is Mr. Smith there?", asked the client on the phone.

"I'm very sorry, but Mr. Smith passed away last night," the receptionist answered.

"Is Mr. Smith there?", repeated the client.

The receptionist was perplexed. "Perhaps you didn't understand me I'm afraid Mr. Smith passed away last night."

"Is Mr. Smith there?", asked the client again.

"Ma'am, do you understand what I'm saying?", said the exasperated receptionist. "Mr. Smith is DEAD!"

"I understand you perfectly," the client sighed. "I just can't hear it often enough."


1. Who is dead?

2. Why is the client keep on asking if Mr.Smith is there?

Exercise 4: Role Play (Picture Descriptions)

Instructions: Describe the picture and compare them.