2006_01_Session_A_Sample answersF

A Sample Answer for the Questions

------- I'd have agreed that something needed to be done to get people to

use the arena, but I think I'd have tried to come up with some other


------- Yes, it was great for the city and the people living there. It

attracted more tourists and a lot of new business at the time.

------- Politicians should definitely consider what the majority of people

think. I believe this is what democracy means.

------- Yes, I think so. I've read about famous baseball players who visit

schools and hospitals and do lots of work for charity.

A Sample Answer for narration

One day, the mayor visited the construction site of the new basketball arena. He wanted to check how things were progressing. A site worker told the mayor that they were right on schedule. Six months later, the mayor that they seated in the newly built arena watching a game at the basketball tournament. The arena was full of fans, so the mayor looked very pleased. However, a year later, things were different. On the wall of the mayor's office was a schedule of events for August, but only one event was planned. The mayor made some suggestions on how to make better use of the arena. He suggested it could be used for weddings, flea markets, or dance lessons. The mayor then asked everyone what they thought of his ideas.