2006_02_Session_B_Sample answers

Picture 1

One day, a man was at home watching TV while eating breakfast. He was shocked by a story he saw on the news: the train line he used was in danger o closing down because of a lack of passengers. The man was concerned, so he decided to join a campaign to save the train service.

Picture 2

Later that week, he went to his local train station to try and gather signatures on a petition.

Picture 3

At the next town meeting, the mayor made an announcement to say that the train would continue operating but on a reduced schedule. Most of the audience seemed happy with the compromise.

Picture 4

A few days later, the man was on his way to work. When he arrived at the station, however, his train had just left. A station employee said that the next one wouldn't come for another hour. The man was upset because he would have to wait so long.


Bolded Text: You can find information in the pictures

Underlined Text: The main point of each picture (Story Flow)

Blue Text: Enriching sentences (detail depiction of pictures & emotions)

No. 1 (If you were the man in the first picture, what would you be thinking?)

------- I'd be thinking, "I have to do something about this. If the line closes

down, I won't be able to get to work."

No. 2 ( Please look at the third picture. Do u think the mayor made the right


------- Yes. The situation forced the mayor to take serious measures, and

this solution won't cost taxpayers any money.

No. 3 (Many people who work in the city choose to live in the suburbs

despite the longer commute. What do you think about that?)

------- I think if the people communicating don't mind spending several

hours in the train, then it's fine. For me, riding the train is a great

time to relax and read a book.

No. 4 (Would you agree to pay higher taxes if the government promised

better public services?)

------- I would as long as the tax increase wasn't too severe. Not all public

services need to be reformed, but there are few that do.

-----------------------original answers-------------------------------------------------------

A Sample Answer for Questions

------- I'd be thinking, "I have to do something about this. If the line closes

down, I won't be able to get to work."

------- Yes. The situation forced the mayor to take serious measures, and

this solution won't cost taxpayers any money.

------- I think if the people communicating don't mind spending several

hours in the train, then it's fine. For me, riding the train is a great

time to relax and read a book.

------- I would as long as the tax increase wasn't too severe. Not all public

services need to be reformed, but there are few that do.

A Sample Answer for narration

One day, a man was at home watching TV while eating breakfast. He was shocked by a story he saw on the news: the train line he used was in danger o closing down because of a lack of passengers. The man was concerned, so he decided to join a campaign to save the train service. Later that week, he went to his local train station to try and gather signatures on a petition. At the next town meeting, the mayor made an announcement to say that the train would continue operating but on a reduced schedule. Most of the audience seemed happy with the compromise. A few days later, the man was on his way to work. When he arrived at the station, however, his train had just left. A station employee said that the next one wouldn't come for another hour. The man was upset because he would have to wait so long.