
Session A Questions Sample Answers

Passage reading:

Let the student read the passage aloud.

(Before, let the student read the passage silently for 20 seconds)

Advertisements Everywhere

Consumers have been surrounded by various kinds of a

dvertisements for many years. Some simply show the name of the product,and others use famous models. Nowadays, however, there are often advertisements in unexpected places, such as on escalator handrails. Many companies use these advertisements to get more attention from consumers. Advertisements help consumers decide what to buy, but sometimes they can be annoying.

Please check where to pause.

Consumers have been //surrounded by various kinds //of advertisements //for many years.// Some simply show// the name of the product,//and others// use famous models.// Nowadays,// however, //there are often// advertisements in unexpected places//, such as on escalator //handrails//. Many companies// use these advertisements// to get more attention// from consumers.// Advertisements //help consumers //decide what to buy, //but sometimes //they can be annoying.//

Q&A sections


No. 1 According to the passage, how do many companies try to get

More attention from consumers?

A1: According to the passage, many companies use advertisements to get more attention from consumers.


No. 2 Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation.

You have 20 seconds to prepare your story should begin

with the sentence on the card.

<20 seconds>

Please begin.

Now, Mr. / Ms. -, please turn over the card and put it down.



No. 3 Some people say that TV commercials do not really help

consumers choose products. What do you think about that?



No. 4 Today, various kinds of electronic dictionaries are being sold.

Do you think people will stop buying paper dictionaries in

The future?

Yes. →Why?

No. →Why not?