
Session A Questions Sample Answers

Passage reading:

Let the student read the passage aloud.

(Before, let the student read the passage silently for 20 seconds)

New Types of Fuel

Today,most automobiles that people drive use gasoline.

However,many people believe that using it is a major cause of global w

arming, and so they think it is important to find new automobile fuels.

In fact, new types of fuel that cause little pollution are being developed from plants.

Such environmentally friendly fuels are expected to become more common in the future.

Please check where to pause.

New Types of Fuel

Today,//most automobiles// that people drive //use gasoline.//

However,//many people believe that //using it is a major cause// of global w

arming, //and so they think // it is important// to find new automobile// fuels.//

In fact, //new types of fuel //that cause little pollution //are being developed //from plants.

Such environmentally friendly fuels// are expected to become //more common// in the future.//

Q&A sections


No. 1 According to the passage, why do many people think it is

Important to find new automobile fuels?



No. 2 Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation.

You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin

With the sentence on the card.

<20 seconds>

Please begin・

Now, Mr・ / Ms・ -, please turn over the card and put it down.



No.3 Some people say that we should buy environmentally

Friendly products even when they are more expensive. What

do you think about that?



No・ 4 These days, many people read news on the lntermet instead of

in newspapers. Do you think people will stop buying

newspapers in the future?


No.→Why not?