
2016-03 grade1

1.Are consumption taxes a fair way of raising government revenue?

2.Will printed newspaper become obsolete in the 21st century?

3.Can censorship of the Internet be justified in democracy?

4.Can terrorism ever be eliminated?

5.Is war and violence inevitable in this modern society?

6.Should the Japanese government do more to promote human rights?

7.Is Japan doing enough to protect its cultural heritage?

8.Can government censorship ever be justified?

9.Is raising consumption taxes a good way to increase the government’s revenue?

10.Is raising the consumption tax fair to everyone?

11.Is a “Consumption Tax” Fair?

12.Is it possible to attain world peace?

13.Do you think the social networking services unite the world?

Q1.What are the negative aspects of the social networking service?

Q2That was a negative side. How about the positive side of it?

Q3. What do you think of internet and English?

14.Is globalization good or bad for developing countries?

Q1.You mentioned it’s good for education and employment. How about bad points?

Q2.Japan has a large national debt but keeps supporting developing countries. What do you think about this?

Q3. The US and Canada are refraining from giving support to developing countries. What do you think about it?

15.Will fossil fuel come to an end in the future?

Q1. What do you think of the nuclear energy accidents like in Fukushima or Chernobyl?

Q2. Is there clean energy except nuclear energy?

Q3. The US starts using shale gas. Is the era of fossil fuel coming again?

16.Are family values today as important as they were in the past?

Q1. Is it possible for us to become independent completely?

Q2. Is it the duty of sons or daughters to take care of their parents?

17.Is accepting foreign workers able to solve the predicted labor shortage?

Q1. What kind of problems can happen when we accept immigrants or foreign workers? What can you do for solve the issues?

Q2. Should schools in Japan accept foreign children?

Q3. In Europe, some countries stop accepting refugees. What do Japanese people think about this?