
cot - cat

bot - bat

mop - map

lock - lack

pot - pat

hot - hat

cop - cap


1. The ship captain is in the cabin.

2. The actor has an arm tattoo.

3. Ann had ham sandwich and salmon salad for brunch.

4. The scandal was in the tabloid.

5. Catherine and Amanda are very popular actresses.

6. John's new car was stopped by the cop.

7. At the farm,ducks frolicked in the pond.

8. They ordered hot pot soup.

9. Aren't you joining us at the arcade for some shopping?

10. In his solace, the president wrote a very touching memoir.

Tongue Twisters

1. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

2.A canner can can anything that he can but canner can't can a can.

Can he?

3. six sharp smart sharks.