
Let's practice







Other word examples

Directions: Read the following words, phrases, sentences and tongue twisters correctly saying the low

front vowel _[ai]_ accurately and distinctly.


I, eye, icon, ice, idea, idle, idolize, idol, I'll, icing, eyelet, island, Eiffel


size, hide, dice, cite, dine, quite, style, arrive, mine, mice, file, rhyme, smile, remind, diamond, might, entire,five


my, by, tie, dye, lie, high, fly, cry, buy, pie, rye, apply, sigh, die, reply, deny, why,guy,spy


arrive alive Jewish rabbi

fine night dyed silk tie

bright light Eiffel Tower


1. A driver's motto should always be "Arrive alive."

2. The psychic as a medium ,enticed several believers.

3. One fine night,they saw a bright light in the horizon.

4. Albert Einstein won a nobel prize.

5. A Geiger counter is used to detect,measure and receive nuclear emanations and cosmic rays.

Tongue Twisters

1. When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write.

2. Little Mike left his bike like Tike at Spike's.


Instructions: Identify the following pictures with the / ai / sound.


Test I

Instructions: Underline the correct word that corresponds to the sentence.

1. Flying a _______ (kat, kit, kite) is so much fun.

2. Wedding rings _______ (bind, bend, bond) a man and a woman in a marriage.

3. I looked everywhere but I still couldn't _______ (fund, find, fond) my car keys.

4. Osteoporosis causes the _______ (spin, spine, spoon) to arch.

5. He invited her to _______ (din, dine, done) with him tomorrow at 7 o'clock sharp.

Test II

Instructions: Match the words in column A with its corresponding meaning in column B. ]


1. supine a. a person who is expelled from home or country by authority

2. guile b. shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception

3. profile c. an adult who is sexually attracted to children

4. pedophile d. lying face upward

5. exile e. an analysis representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics

f. physical discomfort

g. the act of killing someone painlessly

Test III

Listening Test

Instructions: Listen carefully as the teacher reads series of sentences.

Fill in the blanks the appropriate word to complete the sentence.

1. _______ (Delete, Delight) is synomous with _______ (excite, exit).

2. Several _______ (piles, pills) of money were left unattended on the table, rumor has it that the place was the supposedly _______ (cream, crime) scene.

3. A magical _______ (lit, light) surrounded the _______ (earful, ireful) nymph.

4. _______ (Freed, Fried) eggs, chicken, bacon, and garlic rice are what _______ (I, eye) had for breakfast.

5. There's a _______ (slight, slit) change of my _______ (flight, fleet) schedule next week due to the _______ (arising, arousing) dilemmas at the airport.


Instructions: Read the poem correctly saying the _[ai]_ sound accurately. Then answer the following questions.


The world is only but a glass,

a perfect glass through which we see

we come gazing at images

though not the the real we

The real is only but a reflection

reflections through a glass

stained by foggy disillusionments

and yet so desirable to break

In these glasses we contain ourselves

Us of souls seemingly aware

In words we speak of breaking through

But of truth we never care

Why we righteous ourselves

who are we to judge others

we know not them in real

Not even an inch of who we are

We have never been the real us

many centuries may come and pass

we speak and act, and yet we don’t

For all because of a glass

This glass is the world,

The world is only but a glass


1. What is the author trying to imply in the poem?

2. Do you agree with the author's point of view? Why?


Instructions: Sing/read the song aloud giving emphasis to words with / ai / sound.


How can I say how I feel?

Because “I love you” just isn’t enough

you’ve changed what is real

And Im breathing in your love

My thoughts are words my mouth cant say

Your beauty moves me everyday

Its like, im breathing when there is no air

Its like, a fantasy that’s actually there

Its like, im flying when I have no wings

Its like, im falling into nothing… falling into nothing

Its not the softness of your skin

Or the colour of your dress

Its your beauty from within

That lets me know im blessed

I love you, let me count the ways

I just cant live without your grace

Its like, im breathing when there is no air

Its like, a fantasy that’s actually there

Its like, im flying when I have no wings

Its like, im falling into nothing… falling into nothing

Its like, im breathing when there is no air

Its like, a fantasy that’s actually there

Its like, im flying when I have no wings

Its like, im falling into nothing… falling into nothing