2013_01_Session_B_sample speeches

1. Agree or disagree: Surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places

Surveillance cameras have proven to be effective in solving crimes and in preventing crimes from happening, as well as in emergency situations. I strongly believe that it would be favourable for all if public domains are equipped with surveillance cameras.

Firstly, people would feel more secure if there were surveillance cameras in public places such as parks or train stations, and etc. In many parts of the world, pickpockets and other petty criminals are everywhere and thus, people don’t feel safe and are threatened that they may become the next victim. With surveillance cameras, police authorities will be able to closely monitor these places. In fact, when the Boston Marathon bombing took place a couple of years ago, the bombers were identified thanks in part of the security cameras all over the place.

In addition, surveillance cameras could also serve as the eyes of emergency responders in times of emergency situations. In the news reports I’ve seen on tv, there was a head-on collision between 2 speeding vehicles that resulted in the death and fatal injuries to the victims. With the help of the surveillance camera, the first responders were deployed immediately to the scene of incident.

Nowadays the sense of security and safety has never been more important, thus, surveillance cameras will greatly be an asset to everyone if they were installed in all public places.

(# of words: 228)

2. Can businesses be ethical and still be profitable?

Ethics is a term that’s misunderstood quite often, nevertheless, it’s becoming an increasingly significant factor of business practice. Yes, I do believe that businesses can succeed and make profit and be ethical at the same time.

Firstly, goods and services will always be in demand, and if money is the medium of exchange then it is expected that the business would make money. Businesses are meant to make profit, there’s nothing wrong with that as long as money is not the main priority that is pursued but goodwill and service. And in the race towards a sustainable business, companies must practice what they preach by acting more responsibly and avoid greed and corruption.

In addition, being good and doing well can be achieved by accepting a lower margin profit. When money is not the main priority, companies can focus on the quality of their products and services, which according to research, is effective in achieving customer satisfaction. In a simple equation, when customers are happy it means it’ll be good for the business because some sort of bond between the company and customers has been established.

To end, when companies work ethically, they will naturally outpace competition simply because customers believe in trustworthy businesses that can deliver honest and efficient products and services. Ethics and profits do mix.

(# of words: 218)

3. Has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?

In a globalized world, foreign influences are inevitable and I don’t think these influxes of foreign practice is debilitating to Japanese identity, if anything, I believe it helps fortify Japanese distinctiveness.

Firstly, seeing and experiencing different culture will make one realize of where they come from and what kind of culture they grew up in. For instance, when people travel abroad, they get mesmerized by what they see, amazed at how different other countries are from their own. And it’s because of this astonishment that people develop a strong sense of individuality. They learn to treasure their own culture as much as they appreciate others’ civilization.

Moreover, exposure to Western culture brings forth an unspoken sense of competition. What I mean is that when Japanese people realize or witness how impressive other countries crafts are, they tend to strive harder to show that Japanese have exceptional talents and skills as well. Take for example craftsmanship or technology or movies or music. Japanese would adapt to the trend however when they do, they make sure that they add a Japanese touch to it.

In conclusion, Western values have influence Japan to embrace the cultural differences and at the same time appreciate likeness. It strengthens their identity as people from the Land of the Rising Sun.

(# of words: 214)

4. Are current global agricultural practices sustainable?

According to the United Nations’ estimate, by 2050 the population will have grown to 10 billion. Feeding this huge number of people will require major increase in food production, thus, I believe agricultural practices of today is not sustainable. Let me explain.

Majority of food production increases have been made possible by increased yield, higher cropping intensity, use of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, and irrigation. However, the intensification of some farming practices has been associated with debilitating effects on the environment such as soil erosion, ground water contamination, and loss of biodiversity. These dramatic environmental consequences will hinder agriculture production and will falter in meeting the food demand of the future.

Current agricultural production systems necessitate a major reconsideration. Genetically modifying new and existing crops will help breed crops with higher tolerance to pest and pathogens, and will likewise improve water and fertilizer use efficiency, thus, producing higher yields. Plant science is definitely a major factor in achieving sustainability, at the same time reducing food waste and improving political and economic governance of food in a sustainable manner is also a key role player.

To cope with our future needs, agricultural scientists will need to document, comprehend and make good use of the riches of diverseness that exist in germplasm banks across the world to inform future breeding programmes.

(# of words: 219)

5.Is information technology changing news media for the better?

Information technology has taken the world into new heights and quite apparently news media has greatly improved with the integration of information technology.

Firstly, with the sophistication of information technology, news media has made it easier to access information. Nowadays, millions of people rely on the internet for their daily dose of news, may it be local or international. Through the internet, people have access to a wide range of information at their disposal. This medium has proven to be effective in educating and promoting awareness to the people by letting them read or watch the news as it happens.

Moreover, information technology has also made viewing, for instance watching news on tv, a pleasing experience for the audiences. The graphics and animations make it attractive especially for the young viewers. It is also information technology that enables news media to cover news stories in a deeper aspect. For instance, because of current technology, they’re able to capture people’s raw emotions in times of tragedy, war, and natural calamity - and through this, it delivers the message to the public as realistically as it should be.

The media is a very important part of society and with the sophistication of information technology, we can expect for it to keep getting better.

(# of words: 211)