2009 Mar Course Materials (3月分教材)




Let's Try!


(Emz, Please choose articles from Special English Jan 2009)

How to create a link

1. type it the title of article

2. copy the URL of the page (Ctrl+C)

3. Then choose(click) the "Link" icon above and then

4. Once POP show up, on the lefthand side menu bar, choose web address

5. Paste the Link in the URL box then click OK

Do-It-Yourself: How to Dry or Smoke Fish, Part 2(090103)

Obama: 'If Nothing Is Done, This Recession Could Linger for Years'(090108)

Got Milk? How to Make Yogurt(090107)

How Strangers Can Make You Happy(090120)

Foreign Student Series: Paying for School in the US

Foreign Student Series: Working While Studying in the US(090128)

How to Save US Banks? (090130)

Getting Into a Job Market by Mobile Phone(090131)



US Supports Accountability for Darfur Crimes

Tree Deaths in US West Linked to Climate Changehttp://www.voanews.com/specialenglish/2009-02-23-voa1.cfm