2015_01_Session_A_sample speeches

1. Do the pros of having only one superpower outweigh the cons?

2. Should the government make scientific research a greater priority?

3. Can the hunting of animals for sport be justified?

There has been an ongoing issue about whether animal hunting as a sport can be justified or not. As for me, I highly oppose to legalizing this form of sport. I have 2 reasons.

One reason is that it is against the animal rights. Same as human, animals also have rights which include their right to live and be treated well. Hunting gives pleasure to human , but violates the animal's rights. So, this activity can never be justified. For instance, a famous lion in America was killed by a hunter. Citizens were outrageous at this and filed a lawsuit against the criminal.

Another reason is that it affects the ecosystem. Every organism, maybe small or large, plays a significant role in the natural environment. As the main role of animals, they are either for food or for eating other harmful organisms. If hunters kill them aside from these two reasons, then it will highly affect the natural cycle. For example, deer eat grasses that are harmful to the other useful vegetation. If these animals become extinct because of hunting, then grasses that feed them might overtake and destroy the useful plants and trees.

For these two reasons: protecting animal rights and maintaining balance in the ecosystem, I don't think hunting animals as a sport can ever be acceptable.

(219 words)

4. Agree or disagree: Lifetime employment is no longer practical in modern society

Lifetime employment is an employment system in which companies offer workers the chance to stay in the same company throughout their lives. Japan has been using this system. However, I agree that lifetime employment is no longer practical in the modern society. Firstly, many people think that changing career is a good point for their lives. This is because when they are young they have no idea of what they really want for the future. For example, a fresh graduate may get job as a banker. However, as they grow older, they realize that this is not what they want. In this case, they usually quit and pursue what they desire. So I think Lifetime employment is no longer needed. Secondly, in some western countries , like the US, the trend of changing job is a common. This is in contrast to Japan, where people are more loyal to their employees. Here, people prefer staying in the same company forever. However, as we advance in globalization I think it is not good for japan as a whole. Therefore, I really think that lifetime employment is becoming obsolete in our modern society. So , I hope more and more companies will no longer use this system.

5. Are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence exaggerated?