2015_01_Session_B_Sample answers


picture1:The supermarket was far away and they couldn't go often. So they had to buy a lot from the ABC FOODS by bicycle at once. The cage got full and the woman said, "The supermarket is too far." They were both stressed out and tired.

picture2:The next day, inside the mailbox, the woman receives a poster that said, "Home delivery! Order online! By XYZ supermarket" There was a picture of vegetables and thought it might be good to use this system.

picture3:A week later, the woman talked with the man about using online supermarket and decided to try it. The man was little excited to be able to receive vegetables at home instead of going out o the far supermarket. The delighted woman checked the order form online.

picture4:A few days later, they received vegetables but the man picked up the daikon radish and said, "These aren't fresh." The couple were very depressed about vegetables that aren't fresh and wondered if they should go to the supermarket that's far away or order vegetables that aren't fresh.

Q1:If I was the woman, I would search for the online supermarket that sells fresh vegetables because I don't want to go to far supermarket and I don't want animals that aren't fresh either.

Q2:No, I don't think so. Many kids can spread their world by using bicycles. Instead, I think their parents should teach the proper way of riding bicycles.

Q3:Yes it has. People can talk to friends or family far away. Long time ago, the only way of communication with far away people was letter. By mail or social network, it will be faster to get a reply and communicate easier.

Q4:Yes I think so. Some countries that has harsh environment can produce food by making genetically modified food. This will solve poverty problems. So I think many countries will make genetically modified foods in the future.